Valley Brook Growth Track

The Growth Track program is a series of four steps that will help you:

  1. Connect to the church
  2. Discover the strengths of your purposeful design
  3. Develop your personal leadership
  4. Use your God-given gifts to make a difference in the lives of others


Please note, we will be running Growth Track twice this summer! 
First Availability: July 24, July 31 & August 7
Second Availability: August 21, August 28 & September 4

To sign up fill out the form below or email: [email protected]


Session one

Become a Member

Explore the ministry of Valley Brook and find out how to connect with our church.

Upcoming Dates: July 24 & August 21



Session two

Discover Your Design & Develop Your Leadership

First we will dive into the details of your personality, discover your gifts, and see how your design reveals your purpose in life and your best fit in ministry.

Next we will find out what it means to be a leader at Valley Brook and learn how you can strengthen your character and gifting to fulfill your leadership potential. 

Upcoming Dates: July 31 & August 28


Session three

Join the Team

Connect to the opportunities available at Valley Brook to live out your purpose and serve others by using your God-given gifts.


Upcoming Dates: August 7 & September 4



Growth Track Summer 2024

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